Saturday 17 March 2012

Global Outreach Program (GOP) to Korea

Ice skating

Global Outreach Program is a program which created by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for students to go oversea and learn something from them.

My class mate take this opportunity make a paper work to go Korea.
with 15 group of students with 1 lecture, En Nor Hisyam b Hamid go to Korea for 1 week starting 5 feb 2012 until 12 Feb 2012.

So many thing that I learn from there and it make my mind more open.
i like the public transportation system in Korea, there only used one card (T-money) for train (there call subway) and for bus. it look like touch and go in malaysia but it use it for various application. The subway are very systematic until people no need to use own car to to work. the subways also very fast and we could not wait for a long time to get a subway.

Situation in Subways

One more thing that I respect Korea people is the ways they walk, they walk very fast and some time I can see someone run. this environment could not see in Malaysia. My friend says "boleh lah jalan laju sebab cuaca sejuk. Jalan laju pn tak berpeluh". And I don't thing that the hot weather make Malaysia people walk slow because of I see many students Malaysia who study at Korea still walk very slow. I can make conclusion that malaysia people like to feel  comfortable and relax. I also think that even though many of them not muslim but they do sunnah Rasulullah SAW. When Rasulullah SAW walk it look like some one walk downward the hill. vary fast. they also know in sunnah have success . it very sad if we say we love Nabi SAW but we not follow the sunnah. this is because my iman and all umat still weak. Hopefully Allah swt forgive my guilty and all umat

At the pedestrian, there divide lane for fast walk and for slow walk. Many of time I could not see people korea in the slow lane.

Snow come down After solat jumaat
one more thing about korea people, its very rare if we want to see coupling man with women at morning and evening in public area. This very interesting because they not muslim and the religion also not prohibited about that.

The most valuable experience in Korea is when I join Solat jumaat at iteawon An-Nur mosque. the khutubah like bayan. It talk more about iman and i can feel the roh in khutbah until my eye bring tears. I could not feel this feeling in malaysia anymore. the most point in khutbah that i could not to forget is the khatib say "why you here it is all about money. Did you not pity about many of korea people still not islam they will in jahanam for forever.

hopefully Allah swt select me to go korea for propose of dakwah. And I will not come to korea for other propose.

World Cup Stadium

Sit at frozen pole,  Nami island

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